Delegate full-control to cross account S3 access

Issue #27 resolved
Jérémy Pinsolle created an issue


I followed the documentation on the wiki to allow cross account access between two AWS accounts. It works but...

the uploaded file on S3 are owned by the AWS account of the sftpgateway, not by the account of the S3 bucket. I want to delegate the full control of the freshly uploaded files to the bucket owner.

Like this command: aws s3api put-object-acl --bucket examplebucket --key HappyFace.jpg --grant-full-control id="AccountA-CanonicalUserID"

This documentation explain the case:

Is it possible to configure the sftpgateway to delegate full control to the bucket owner?

Comments (2)

  1. Jeff Thorn

    Hi Jérémy, This is a feature we have already implemented for our next release. Please contact us at and I will provide you with instructions for updating to a beta release with this feature.

    Regards, Jeff

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