Map DDI-L to study.grant_numbers

Issue #40 resolved
Toni Sissala created an issue

Map DDI-L FundingInformation structure to grant_numbers

Comments (2)

  1. Toni Sissala reporter

    Map DDI-L FundingInformation-structure to Study.grant_numbers

    Get grant numbers from DDI-L FundingInformation/GrantNumber and map to Study.grant_numbers.

    Combine common functionality of and Refactor code in both modules.

    Write Added-item to 1.2.0 changelog entry.

    Resolves #40 at Bitbucket.

    → <<cset 49d7ed7f4e35>>

  2. Toni Sissala reporter

    Merged in feature/40-ddil-grant-numbers (pull request #16)

    Map DDI-L FundingInformation-structure to Study.grant_numbers

    Get grant numbers from DDI-L FundingInformation/GrantNumber and map to Study.grant_numbers.

    Combine common functionality of and Refactor code in both modules. Make protected constants UPPERCASE in

    Write Added-item to 1.2.0 changelog entry.

    Resolves #40 at Bitbucket.

    → <<cset 404a9d1ee5f6>>

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