Change preferred order of PublicationYear in oai_datacite

Issue #33 resolved
Toni Sissala created an issue

Study.publication_years.attr_distribution_date.get_value() should be preferred instead of Study.publication_years.get_value() for lookup for PublicationYear value in oai_datacite serialization.

Also, the year should be extracted from either value.

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Comments (1)

  1. Toni Sissala reporter

    Change preferred lookup order for oai_datacite PublicationYear

    For oai_datacite PublicationYear, the Study.publication_years.attr_distribution.get_value() is primary, Study.publication_years.get_value() is secondary.

    Format the value so that it should contain only a year instead of full datestamp. The formatting expects datestamp format that begins with a full year (for example YYYY-MM-DD).

    Bump version to 1.0.2.

    Write unreleased changelog entry for 1.0.2.

    Fixes #33 at BB.

    → <<cset 3a6b0b1b74f3>>

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