Unable to connect to driver ver with any application

Issue #12 resolved
Martin Crane created an issue

I just performed a new clean install of this driver on W7. Both the AWR drive & the PC have been rebooted as a precaution.

I receive protocol errors when trying to connect to the IH (IH1 firmware 1.732) using any application, for example CDC, POTH SGP.

Among other things I notice the IH firmware version is not read & does not appear in the ASCOM profile explorer.

The error messages point towards not using the AWR protocol in the IH but it is definitely set for AWR mode. Changing the mode to LX200 produces a different error message which rather oddly does not suggest setting the protocol to AWR mode?

The attached file AWR 08-01-19.pdf contains screen shots & more information.

Comments (4)

  1. Martin Crane reporter

    Sorry Tim I forgot to attached the event log last night.

    I installed the driver just after 20:00 yesterday evening.

    There’s some odd time stamps in the log file. I didn’t notice initially but the RTC on the IH was 1 hour slow, which I corrected later during my session.

    So I reckon the entries in the log beginning at 19:12 are when I first tried to connect to the new driver.

    Because I was receiving protocol error messages each time I tried to connect I did change the protocol to LX200 just to see what happened – I did this at approx 20:55 (from my PC clock so the true time). You can see this at the end of the log file. I had corrected the IH RTC by this time.

    So that I could try & get some imaging done last night I decided to revert to the v driver. To be honest I’m not sure what time this was but it must have been after I emailed you last night at 22:23.

    There are lots of entries in the log beginning around midnight & then some at 14:00 which simply can’t be true as I’d uninstalled the new driver by then & reverted to old version.

  2. Martin Crane reporter

    Hi Tim,

    Great. I’ve downloaded it. By some miracle I’m actually imaging the Horsehead nebula at the moment so I’ll install it later and let you know how I get on.

    Once again many thanks & regards


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