Unable to insert into ... select with change from mysql 8.0.28 to 8.0.31

Issue #52 closed
Alan Hicks created an issue

When performing an insert into … select there is an error:

SQLException: Cursor statement must be a SELECT

The statement causing the exception is:

INSERT INTO dbmail_messages (mailbox_idnr,physmessage_id,seen_flag,answered_flag,deleted_flag,flagged_flag,recent_flag,draft_flag,unique_id,status) SELECT 1,physmessage_id,seen_flag,answered_flag,deleted_flag,flagged_flag,1,draft_flag,'57243c0de2605866c301a90e7e2c6ebd',status FROM dbmail_messages WHERE message_idnr = 8;

The C code is approximately:


r = Connection_executeQuery(c, "%s", (const char *)query);


You can see the code and changes to avoiding this bug on GitHub:

And the issue with details and logs

This is also with a build of libzdb from latest source.

Comments (4)

  1. Tildeslash repo owner

    Something must have changed then in MySQL if it worked before. Hard to say without investigating this version of MySQL. Anyway, there are a few caveats in your example, Connection_executeQuery is meant to return a result-set, i.e. from a select statement. The example above is an insert-into-select statement which does not return a result-set and hence using Connection_executeQuery is not the correct choice, instead Connection_execute should be used instead. Maybe this simple change will fix the problem? Libzdb uses a different cursor type for these two calls.

  2. Tildeslash repo owner

    From the Github repo it seems you solved this by breaking up the statement into a prepared statement which is fine. However, if you look at the original code

    if (db_params.db_driver == DM_DRIVER_ORACLE) {
                db_exec(c, "INSERT INTO %smessages

    where db_exec is a wrapper around Connection_execute, but in the else part db_query is used which is a wrapper around Connection_executeQuery and is is not correct. It should be db_exec here also.

  3. Alan Hicks reporter

    I’ll refactor this code as postgresql uses Connection_executeQuery as it adds returning id to the sql so it makes more sense to keep the two separate. Joys of multi-db support, most grateful you make it as easy as you do.

  4. Tildeslash repo owner

    Ah yes, Postgres, sigh. I recall Paul had to do some hops like this to get the last inserted id etc. Probably explains why and also that it “accidental” worked in MySQL until it didn’t :-)

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