Monit fails to timeout on program (5.16)

Issue #350 resolved
Vincent Ketelaars created an issue

Monit fails to timeout on this program. It would also be nice if we could set alerts for deferred programs.


set daemon 30

check program waiter
    with path with timeout 60 seconds
    every "* * * * *"
    if status != 0 then alert

echo "Something"
sleep 90
echo "Done"


'waiter' program started
'waiter' test skipped as current time (1461040409) does not match every's cron spec "* * * * *"
'waiter' status check defered - waiting on program to exit
'waiter' test skipped as current time (1461040469) does not match every's cron spec "* * * * *"
'waiter' status succeeded [status=0] -- Something
'waiter' program started
'waiter' test skipped as current time (1461040529) does not match every's cron spec "* * * * *"
'waiter' status check defered - waiting on program to exit
'waiter' test skipped as current time (1461040589) does not match every's cron spec "* * * * *"
'waiter' status succeeded [status=0] -- Something
'waiter' program started

Comments (3)

  1. Tildeslash repo owner

    Fix Issue #350 : If the "check program" used a custom schedule (based on "every" statement), the exit value evaluation and check for program timeout was deferred until the next cycle, which matched the schedule. Monit now collects the exit value ASAP (i.e. next cycle) and kills the program if timed out.

    → <<cset 1d9e92467ac3>>

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