Handle multiple `-g` options correctly

Issue #975 resolved
Ulrich Windl created an issue

When using multiple -g options, like in monit -g server -g network status only the last group (network) is selected.

So either:

  • Output an error if multiple -g options were found, or
  • combine them (“any of”)

Possible enhancement request: Allow flexible combinations of groups, like -g !network meaning everything but group network, -g A -g+B meaning checks in either “group A or group B, -g A -g-B meaning “those checks in group A, but not those in group B ”.

Comments (1)

  1. Tildeslash repo owner

    Fix Issue #975: Monit CLI: Monit didn't return any warning if -s, -p, -l, -g or -c command-line options were specified multiple times and silently used the last value only. Monit will generate a warning now. When these options were used multiple times, there was also a minor memory leak (fixed too)

    → <<cset 6828ae6b36b3>>

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