check program with params failes

Issue #103 resolved
Steit Slings created an issue

I’ve tried all solutions offered online but still can’t get this to work. What am I doing wrong?

SCRIPT: check program cron_script_a with path "/bin/bash /opt/ inputParamOne" if status != 0 then alert

RESULT: [root@MMonitServer ~]# monit -t /etc/monit.d/cron_cronscript_a.conf:1: Warning: Program does not exist: '"/bin/bash /opt/ GeweldigCronScriptA"' AssertException: File '/bin/bash /opt/ inputParamOne' does not exist raised in Command_new at src/system/Command.c:334 Aborted [root@MMonitServer ~]#

According to the docs this should be possible…..

[root@monitTestClient ~]# monit -V This is Monit version 5.5 Copyright (C) 2001-2012 Tildeslash Ltd. All Rights Reserved.

I can run the program without params.

And further: How can I read the output from a script?

Comments (1)

  1. Steit Slings reporter

    Sorry, spoke too soon. The issue is fixed with an upgrade to 5.9. The docs however said this was solved at 5.5 hence my comment.

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