Monit not invoking start or stop actions; even though after passing PATH variable to the script.

Issue #1035 resolved
Venkata M created an issue

Following is the script i am using to restart the apache instance; monit is running as root user

But i am able to execute same script from terminal. Monit version 5.30.0

There is a shebang line in the “apachectl“ script as “#!/bin/sh

check process bamboo-nosm matching /local/mnt/apache/bamboo-nosm
start program="/bin/sh -c 'PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/root/bin /local/mnt/apache/bamboo-nosm/bin/apachectl start >> /temp/file2'"
stop program="/bin/sh -c 'PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/root/bin /local/mnt/apache/bamboo-nosm/bin/apachectl stop >> /temp/file2'"
if does not exist then restart

when i executed following command “monit -vv reload” got verbose as follows; even though scripts exists in the path; like program doesn’t exist.
/etc/monit/apacheinstancescontrolfile.conf:3: Program does not exist: 'program='
/etc/monit/apacheinstancescontrolfile.conf:4: Program does not exist: 'program='

for testing i stopped the apache instance but monit is not invoking actions;

in the log i am getting as follows

[2022-03-31T04:59:22-0700] error : 'bamboo-nosm' process is not running
[2022-03-31T04:59:22-0700] info : 'bamboo-nosm' trying to restart
[2022-03-31T04:59:22-0700] info : 'bamboo-nosm' start: 'program= /bin/sh -c 'PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/root/bin /local/mnt/apache/bamboo-nosm/bin/apachectl start >> /temp/file2'
[2022-03-31T04:59:22-0700] error : 'bamboo-nosm' failed to start (exit status -1) -- Program program= failed: File 'program=' does not exist
[2022-03-31T04:59:52-0700] error : 'bamboo-nosm' process is not running
[2022-03-31T04:59:52-0700] info : 'bamboo-nosm' trying to restart
[2022-03-31T04:59:52-0700] info : 'bamboo-nosm' start: 'program= /bin/sh -c 'PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/root/bin /local/mnt/apache/bamboo-nosm/bin/apachectl start >> /temp/file2'
[2022-03-31T04:59:52-0700] error : 'bamboo-nosm' failed to start (exit status -1) -- Program program= failed: File 'program=' does not exist
[2022-03-31T05:00:23-0700] error : 'bamboo-nosm' process is not running
[2022-03-31T05:00:23-0700] info : 'bamboo-nosm' trying to restart
[2022-03-31T05:00:23-0700] info : 'bamboo-nosm' start: 'program= /bin/sh -c 'PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/root/bin /local/mnt/apache/bamboo-nosm/bin/apachectl start >> /temp/file2'
[2022-03-31T05:00:23-0700] error : 'bamboo-nosm' failed to start (exit status -1) -- Program program= failed: File 'program=' does not exist

Comments (7)

  1. Henning Bopp

    If I see this correctly, it's a syntax-error in your config. But to be honest, I think, it's more a syntax error in the monit syntax parser.

    As the error states, it tries to run a program calles programm=...

    The root error might be here:

    startarg       start{ws}?(program)?{ws}?([=]{ws})?["]
                                              ^ IF there IS an equal-sign (=) there MUST be a space after it.

    You might want to try

    start program = "/bin/sh -c 'PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/root/bin /local/mnt/apache/bamboo-nosm/bin/apachectl start >> /temp/file2'"
    stop program = "/bin/sh -c 'PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/root/bin /local/mnt/apache/bamboo-nosm/bin/apachectl stop >> /temp/file2'"
  2. Tildeslash repo owner

    I confirm Henning’s s analysis, will fix. The workaround with adding spaces around the '=' character works fine

  3. Tildeslash repo owner

    Fixed: Issue #1035: If the start/stop/restart program statement contains the equal sign, which is not followed by a space character, the configuration is not parsed correctly.

    → <<cset 715a2d128f9d>>

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