How to monit Oracle database server 21 ?

Issue #1062 new
Roberto Gerola created an issue

Hello, Oracle database server run with different independent processes, there is no parent process with unique PID, there are neither pid files.

So far, I was able to add monitoring to Oracle database, at least to be able in emergency to stop and start the service from the web UI :

check process oracle matching 'ORCLCDB'
    group oracle
    start program = "/etc/init.d/oracledb_ORCLCDB-21c start"
    stop program = "/etc/init.d/oracledb_ORCLCDB-21c stop"

But the information on web interface are not correct, because only the resources used by the first process are showed.

An option would be to monitor every single process (ora_*), but they are many and I am not sure how Oracle manages all these processes, perhaps on demand …

Would it possible to add a cumulative resource usage based on the process matching name ? So, instead to show only the resource of the first process created, the sum of all the process with the similar name.

Thanks !

Comments (3)

  1. Lutz Mader

    Hello Roberto Gerola,
    nice idea, but the SID is used as a process name suffix and sometimes multiple Oracle DBs are started on a system. A simple (ora_*) mask does not work well (for example does not include the tnslsnr process).

    Would it possible to add a cumulative resource usage based on the process matching name ?

    Is a nice idea elseware and sometimes helpfule, I think.


  2. Roberto Gerola reporter

    Hi Lutz, many thanks for the suggestion !

    I’ll give a try and will post the result here, could be very useful also for others.

    Thank you

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