Variable $EVENT not getting substituted in email

Issue #1071 resolved
codiflow created an issue

If the notification “link mode has not changed since last cycle…” occurs the variable $EVENT in the subject of the email is not being substituted with the given text.

In all other monit emails the variable is being replaced.

Comments (10)

  1. Lutz Mader

    Hello codiflow,
    I use "set mail-format" to define the mail format in monitrc too, it seems to work well.

    Add the used "set mail-format" statement to the issue please.


  2. codiflow reporter

    I'm using the default configuration file .monitrc where set mail-format is commented out. So it is not set at all.

  3. Lutz Mader

    Thanks for your answer, add your check network service definitions, please.

    Bye, Lutz


    I received mails like the following

    monit alert --  Link up en1
    Link up Service en1 
        Date:        Wed, 14 Jun 2023 23:51:21
        Action:      alert
        Host:        MacBookPro.local
        Description: link up
    Your faithful employee,

  4. Lutz Mader

    Sorry codiflow, I’m on the wrong path.
    The mail was not sent by Monit, the mail was sent by M/Monit.

    Change the Issue Component to M/Monit, please.


    I should switch to an larger display or new glasses.

  5. Tildeslash repo owner
    • removed version
    • removed component
    • assigned issue to

    the message is created by M/Monit (not Monit) - we are trying to reproduce the problem and will fix

  6. codiflow reporter

    I’m sorry but I can’t change the component to M/Monit because it is not selectable in the list. I also don’t know where to find a M/Monit repository as it is not open source as far as I know. So maybe you can take care of that?

  7. Lutz Mader

    Hello codiflow,
    someone from Tildeslash will check the problem. You can add the monit check network service to the ticket.

    I tried to reproduce the linke mode event, but I could not on my Mac.


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