Segfault on start

Issue #110 resolved
Manuel Meurer created an issue

I just updated to 5.10 (it's not added as a version here in Bitbucket yet btw.) and I'm seeing segfaults when starting Monit with one or more process checks. The OS is Ubuntu 14.04. Here are my config files:

When I comment out the last line in my monitrc (include /etc/monit.d/mysql) Monit starts up properly. When I leave it in it seems to start and there is no output in the log, but the syslog says:

Nov 12 10:06:25 wp01 kernel: [6489412.175205] monit[11056]: segfault at 20 ip 000000000041e068 sp 00007fffb4c79960 error 4 in monit[400000+81000]

Comments (8)

  1. Manuel Meurer reporter

    Unfortunately a core dump is not created. I have enabled core dumps with ulimit -c unlimited and when I test it with

    sleep 10 &
    killall -SIGSEGV sleep

    a core dump is created in /var/crash, but not when I start Monit... :(

  2. Tildeslash repo owner

    If no coredump is available, please can you run Monit this way and provide output?:

    monit -vI
  3. Manuel Meurer reporter

    I removed Monit including all folders (/var/lib/monit, /etc/monit.d etc.) once and reinstalled it, now it works again! No idea if the binary was maybe damaged? Anyways, I think it wasn't actually a bug but some external influence.

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