Alert on changed content

Issue #1100 resolved
Martin Kjær Jørgensen created an issue

I can see from the manual that some checks include the option for “changed”, like:

 check network eth0 with interface eth0
       if changed link capacity then alert

It seems like this is not supported for “if changed content”. I get an error on monit 5.29.

Is this supported? Or have you got another way of triggering an alert from command output only if changed?

Comments (5)

  1. Tildeslash repo owner

    The content change test is currently supported only in the ‘check program’ (requires monit >= 5.34.0, which will be released ca. within 1 week).

    You mean probably the content change test for the ‘check file’ or the port test?

  2. Martin Kjær Jørgensen reporter

    Okay. I’ll have to try 5.34 or later then, because I actually wanted to use the “content changed” feature in a “check program” :-)

    I have not tried use “content changed” in “check file” or “check network” yet.

  3. Tildeslash repo owner

    Thanks for clarification.

    The ‘content change’ test for file probably doesn’t need to be implemented, as there is already a checksum change test for the same.

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