Upgrading from 5.6 to newer version

Issue #124 resolved
Fares Samara created an issue

I would like to upgrade to the latest version due to the bug in 5.6 where monit crashes if the send email failed. However, the update process is not as smooth as I have hoped.

  • I was not able to find a repo link I can add for yum/apt-get to allow upgrading using those methods.
  • I tried downloading the binaries, but that requires me to replace the monit in bin manually which is something an not too fond off to do
  • I downloaded from source and ran the make install. The file was not added to /usr/local/bin/monit even though the make install seems to be running the command. I even tried it on a blank machine without an existing monit installation, and it didnt succeed.

Is it possible to provide us with the recommended update approach that is straightforward and as automated as possible?

Thanks a lot!

Comments (3)

  1. Tildeslash repo owner

    The pre-compiled binary can be used as drop-in replacement ... if write to /usr/local/bin/monit failed, you probably don't have permissions (same with "make install") - try to run it as root or with "sudo", or you can install monit in your home directory.

    Note that some distributions (debian), use custom configuration file, such as /etc/monit.conf, so you may need to create symlink /etc/monitrc so the original monit can find the configuration file.

  2. Fares Samara reporter

    Thanks for your response.

    In regards for the when am running make install on a fresh installation (Centos 7), I am running under the root user. I doubled checked and it actually was adding the monit file under /usr/local/bin/, however, when I try to run monit -V in the console, I get: bash: /bin/monit: No such file or directory

    I know since this is not manage by a distro, it is should be under local. I tested moving it to /usr/bin and monit -V command now works.

    Turns out, /usr/local/bin/ is not included in the $PATH for the root user in Centos! Here is an article for reference: http://blogs.perl.org/users/vyacheslav_matjukhin/2013/05/usrlocalbin-rant.html

    Thanks again.

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