Limit alerts to mmonit

Issue #126 resolved
Eugen Mayer created an issue

It would be very nice to be able to filter events delegated to mmonit the same way as you can filter email events.

I know that you can filter in the UI, but still the statistics are pretty useless when you have 40 pidchanged events in 2 hours, due o cron-scripts, chef runs and so forth.

I tried something as

alert admin@bar on {nonexist, timeout}

But the alerts for pidchange still happend to get triggered in monit


(btw the mmonit version are missing in the version selection, iam using the current release 3.3)

Comments (4)

  1. Tildeslash repo owner

    the next monit version drops the implicit pid change test => no pid change events will be created unless you add the test explicitly

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