HTTP check ignore certificate option

Issue #127 closed
Eugen Mayer created an issue

When using HTTP checks to an internal server in an intranet enviroment, you end up having a self-signed certificate in all cases. This makes monin checks very very hard, you have to maintain the ca-certs, deployment of new services and hosts becomes a pretty complex process.

Since its all about getting the status of the webserver, i would suggest to make this option available to ignore self-signed cert issues.

Thank you!


Comments (7)

  1. Eugen Mayer reporter

    When you try to check if a website is online, using https on a self-signed ssl certificate host, you fail always. You then have to update the systems ca-certificates to have this up and running which can be quiet some effort when speaking about automatic setups.

    It would be good to habe something, like wget --no-check-certificate


  2. Tildeslash repo owner

    Do you mean HTTP check a SSL server with a self-signed certificate? If this is the case we are not able to reproduce the problem. We have M/Monit setup with its self-signed cert and check it with Monit and there are no problems as you can see from this trace in the Monit log:

    'localhost' succeeded connecting to INET[localhost:8443] via TCPSSL
    'localhost' succeeded testing protocol [HTTP] at INET[localhost:8443] via TCPSSL

    Could you please post the error in Monit's log and your check from .monitrc

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