Testing wlan0 uplink returns syntax error

Issue #139 resolved
James Wong created an issue

Unable to use monit to test wifi status

Config code

check network wlan0 with interface wlan0
       start program = '/sbin/ipup wlan0'
       stop program = '/sbin/ipdown wlan0'
       if failed link then restart

Error Msg when running monit -Iv

pi@r-pi~ $ sudo monit -Iv
/etc/monit/monitrc:269: Error: syntax error 'wlan0'

Comments (3)

  1. Tildeslash repo owner

    The network monitoring requires Monit 5.11 or later. Please check your monit version: monit -V

  2. James Wong reporter

    Ah am on version 5.4. That's the latest build on apt-get for raspberry pi.

    Case close. Version out of date.

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