Update for issue #115

Issue #143 resolved
Val V created an issue

Seems issue #115 isn't completely resolved, more information is in the latest comment of it.

Comments (26)

  1. Val V reporter

    Excuse me, but it's not only about reporting values in syslog.

    When I try to use non-default values for timeout (or count), ping check simply doesn't work as expected.

  2. Tildeslash repo owner

    What exactly if the problem with non-default values?

    Tried the following configuration, works fine:

    check host myhost with address
            if failed ping count 5 with timeout 10 seconds then alert
  3. Tildeslash repo owner

    yes, it works:

    Ping response for 1/5 timed out -- no response within 10 seconds
    Ping response for 2/5 timed out -- no response within 10 seconds
    Ping response for 3/5 timed out -- no response within 10 seconds
    Ping response for 4/5 timed out -- no response within 10 seconds
    Ping response for 5/5 timed out -- no response within 10 seconds
    'localhost' ping test failed
    'localhost' icmp ping failed, skipping any port connection tests
  4. Val V reporter

    too bad, but for me it doesn't:

    Remote Host Name      = myhost
     Address              =
     Monitoring mode      = active
     Existence            = if does not exist then restart
     Ping                 = if failed [count 5 with timeout 10 seconds] then alert

    version 5.11

  5. Val V reporter

    Build info:

    | Monit has been configured with the following options:      |
    |                                                            |
    |   PAM support:                                  DISABLED   |
    |   SSL support:                                  ENABLED    |
    |   Large files support:                          ENABLED    |
    |   Optimized:                                    ENABLED    |
                    Architecture: LINUX
           SSL include directory: /usr/include
           SSL library directory: /usr/lib
                  Compiler flags: -Wno-address -Wno-pointer-sign -march=core2 -fPIC -DPIC -pipe -Os -O3 -Wall -Wunused -Wno-unused-label -funsigned-char -D_GNU_SOURCE -std=c99 -D _REENTRANT -I/usr/include
                    Linker flags: -lpthread -lcrypt -lresolv -lnsl  -L/usr/lib -lssl -lcrypto
               pid file location: /run
               Install directory: /usr
  6. Tildeslash repo owner

    It's just configuration dump - not error. Please can you run Monit in debug mode and post the output related to ping tests?:

    monit -vI
  7. Tildeslash repo owner

    Are you running Monit as root user or regular user? Some platforms require root privilege to be able to create raw socket, which is used for ping.

    Please also run Monit in debug mode at least for 1 minute ... each (unsuccessful) ping attempt will block for 10s before producing any output.

  8. Val V reporter

    Yes, it is running as root.

    I was waiting for >10 minutes.

    I previously posted build info. Maybe optimized build is the cause? In my experience, sometimes it was.

  9. Val V reporter

    Hah, it had been running for more than an hour, and what do I see in the logs:

    Jan 06 14:40:00 [monit] Starting Monit HTTP server at [localhost:2812]_
    Jan 06 14:40:00 [monit] Monit HTTP server started_
    Jan 06 14:40:00 [monit] 'a' Monit started_
    Jan 06 15:04:02 [monit] Ping response for 1/5 timed out -- no response within 10000 seconds_
    Jan 06 15:18:02 [monit] Ping response for 2/5 timed out -- no response within 10000 seconds_
    Jan 06 15:33:52 [monit] Ping response for 3/5 timed out -- no response within 10000 seconds_

    so it's definetely about seconds conversion.

  10. Val V reporter

    Full log this time:

    Jan 06 15:47:32 [monit] Starting Monit 5.11 daemon with http interface at [localhost:2812]_
    Jan 06 15:47:32 [monit] Starting Monit HTTP server at [localhost:2812]_
    Jan 06 15:47:32 [monit] Monit HTTP server started_
    Jan 06 15:47:32 [monit] 'a' Monit started_
    Jan 06 16:15:32 [monit] Ping response for 1/5 timed out -- no response within 10000 seconds_
    Jan 06 16:22:41 [monit] Ping response for 2/5 failed -- received 28 bytes, expected at least 48 bytes_
    Jan 06 16:39:54 [monit] Ping response for 3/5 failed -- received 40 bytes, expected at least 48 bytes_
    Jan 06 16:52:22 [monit] Ping response for 4/5 timed out -- no response within 10000 seconds_
    Jan 06 17:08:42 [monit] Ping response for 5/5 timed out -- no response within 10000 seconds_
    Jan 06 17:08:42 [monit] 'myhost' ping test failed_
  11. Tildeslash repo owner

    you can get the development version:

    git clone git@bitbucket.org:tildeslash/monit.git --recursive
    cd monit
  12. Val V reporter


    but could you show me a commit between 5.11 and devel that fixes the issue? I still cannot find it except those which fix only display values of timeout.

  13. Val V reporter

    Oh, I thought you've just fixed it in devel. I've cloned the devel branch and recompiled monit with the same configure options. Maybe display values of timeout in syslog are fixed, but ping test still doesn't work.

  14. Val V reporter

    Here's yet another log for 5.12-devel from starting till the first ping test failure e-mail:

    Jan 06 17:48:54 [monit] Starting Monit 5.12_devel daemon with http interface at [localhost:2812]_
    Jan 06 17:48:54 [monit] Starting Monit HTTP server at [localhost:2812]_
    Jan 06 17:48:54 [monit] Monit HTTP server started_
    Jan 06 17:48:54 [monit] 'a' Monit started_
    Jan 06 18:00:42 [monit] Ping response for 1/5 timed out -- no response within 10 seconds_
    Jan 06 18:19:59 [monit] Ping response for 2/5 failed -- received 28 bytes, expected at least 48 bytes_
    Jan 06 18:39:02 [monit] Ping response for 3/5 timed out -- no response within 10 seconds_
    Jan 06 18:54:22 [monit] Ping response for 4/5 timed out -- no response within 10 seconds_
    Jan 06 19:14:02 [monit] Ping response for 5/5 timed out -- no response within 10 seconds_
    Jan 06 19:14:02 [monit] 'myhost' ping test failed_

    notice the timestamps

  15. Val V reporter

    And you can see what happens once I remove count 5 with timeout 10 seconds from the config:

    Jan 06 19:59:04 [monit] Starting Monit 5.12_devel daemon with http interface at [localhost:2812]_
    Jan 06 19:59:04 [monit] Starting Monit HTTP server at [localhost:2812]_
    Jan 06 19:59:04 [monit] Monit HTTP server started_
    Jan 06 19:59:04 [monit] 'a' Monit started_
    Jan 06 19:59:10 [monit] Ping response for 1/3 timed out -- no response within 5 seconds_
    Jan 06 19:59:18 [monit] Ping response for 2/3 timed out -- no response within 5 seconds_
    Jan 06 19:59:28 [monit] Ping response for 3/3 timed out -- no response within 5 seconds_
    Jan 06 19:59:28 [monit] 'myhost' ping test failed_

    notice the timestamps as well

  16. Val V reporter

    Yes, it's only about specifying timeout. If I add only count 5:

    check host myhost with address
        if failed ping count 5 # with timeout 10 seconds
            then alert

    everything works fine.

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