the "for X cycles" is confusing if the test uses "every" statement too

Issue #174 open
Tildeslash repo owner created an issue

The fault tolerance test reflects the number of failed tests rather then depending on cycles ... if the service is checked for example once per 5 cycles and we require 2 consecutive errors to trigger the event, the syntax becomes confusing:

 check foobar ...
     every 5 cycles
     #this in fact requires 2 failures: cycle #5 and #10, not cycle #5 and #6 as the user may think because of the "cycles" word:
     if failed XYZ for 2 cycles then alert

Proposed syntax (keep the old one for backward compatibility):

1.) "for X cycles":

 check foobar ...
     every 5 cycles
     if failed XYZ for 2 times then alert

2.) "for X times within Y cycles":

 check foobar ...
     every 5 cycles
     if failed XYZ for 2 times in 3 attempts then alert

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