Add RHEL 6.2 host in MMonit

Issue #184 resolved
Tasbir Farid created an issue

I have installed Monit in a RHEL host. My monit configuration file is in location /etc/monit.conf instead of /etc/monit.d/monitrc

I added the set monit line in monit.conf but host is not added to my mmonit.

Monit is working fine as I can see the status in 2812 port.

Can anyone help me in this regard?

Comments (2)

  1. Tildeslash repo owner


    M/Monit requires Monit 5.2 or newer - please check your monit version with "monit -V" command.

    If the version is supported (5.2+), please check monit log (can be enable with "set logfile" statement) or run monit with "-vI" options and send us output. Please also check M/Monit-side logs: error.log and mmonit.log in the logs directory.

    Best regards, The M/Monit team

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