Unicode alter email contents

Issue #198 closed
Former user created an issue


First, thanks for monit, it's a great piece of software.

I've seen a little glitch after 2 years of usage. We use monit to monitor a service via a socket. When all is ok, the socket server replies "OK", otherwise, it gives information about dead subservices.

This information contains unicode characters that are displayed as '?' in the emails that monit sends as alerts.

It seems that there's no way to set the character encoding that should be used for the mail contents.

Could it be possible to be able to set it to utf8?


Comments (5)

  1. Former user Account Deleted


    In response to my own issue, I think I did not try hard enough to locate the problem. It could be on my socket server implementation.

    I'll come back to you when I've got more information.

  2. Former user Account Deleted


    I've been working on it today. It's definitely not a monit issue :) My JVMs were not started with UTF-8 encoding...

    Sorry for the noise ;)

    BTW, we've just started using M/Monit today, it's really nice!


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