- changed status to closed
Wrong permission advise for SSL server pem file
Issue #228
When restart the monit deamon I got the following error:
monit[]: Starting daemon monitor: monitThe SSL server PEM file '/xxx/xxx/server.pem' must have permissions no more than ...r-- (0644).
monit[]: /etc/monit/monitrc:137: SSL server PEM file permissions check failed 'allow'
monit[]: failed!
Nevertheless, the permissions where exactly 644, still I got this problem. The only solution was to set the file permissions to 700.
So please, either change the advise from 644 to 700, or change the sanity check in the code.
Kind regards, Melroy van den Berg
Comments (4)
repo owner -
repo owner Yet one note ... where from was the the error message snip? It seems it was truncated, as the full error message is more verbose and includes the required permissions (see the example in our previous post).
repo owner - changed status to resolved
fix Issue
#228: The file permission hint was too long (may get trucanted in syslog)→ <<cset 54aa01f228d6>>
repo owner - removed version
Removing version: 5.9 (automated comment)
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thanks for report, unfortunately i'm not able to reproduce the problem ... setting permission of the PEM file to 0644 throws the following error:
Please upgrade monit.