Cron style check not running properly

Issue #245 closed
Vachan D A created an issue

I have a script that has to be checked every 6 hours for which I've the following monit config :

check program blah with path / every "0 5,11,17,23 * * *"
  if status = 0 then alert
  if status != 0 then alert 

But monit just runs the script only once a day or sometimes it doesn't run even once.

Comments (2)

  1. Tildeslash repo owner

    Your cron string uses 0 for minute, but it should really use *.

    From the manual: .. Therefor we strongly recommend to use an asterix in the minute field or at minimum a range, e..g. 0-15. Never use a specific minute as Monit may not run on that minute.

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