Monit not flushing events to m/monit

Issue #247 closed
Vachan D A created an issue

Hi, I have setup monit to check on the output of my script and I have m/monit to send an alert upon receival of the event from monit. The monit daemon performs the check on my script and makes a log entry but fails to flush notification to m/monit. Due to which the alerts are not sent out.

Comments (5)

  1. Tildeslash repo owner

    Hello, you need to add a "set mmonit" statement to monit configuration and reload monit. If you added it already and there is some error during communication with M/Monit, please check Monit logs and M/Monit's logs/error.log and logs/mmonit.log files.

  2. Vachan D A reporter

    I had used "set mmonit" statement to the configuration file already. There is nothing the error logs also that can point towards what might have gone wrong. The monit.log only shows the execution status of my script check and nothing else.

  3. Tildeslash repo owner

    Please run Monit in debug mode using "monit -vI", then send monit log, M/Monit's logs/error.log and logs/mmonit.log to

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