feature request: check unixsocket (at localhost) with no process .pid

Issue #262 resolved
Yuriy Kohut created an issue

I've faced with an impossibility to monitor Redis Server, which runs on localhost in RHEL/CentOS 7.x x86_64 box and serve connections via unix-socket.

The problem is, the systemd doesn't create any {{.pid}} files for running services/processes.

Could you please assist me on how to monitor such kind of services/processes.

Comments (4)

  1. Tildeslash repo owner

    You can use "check process redis matching <pattern>" instead of pidfile. The process pattern can be used using monit CLI:

    monit procmatch redis
  2. Yuriy Kohut Account Deactivated reporter

    Cool, this is the thing I really needed.

    Thank you for the assistance.

    BTW., is it possible to contact you any other way ? May I e-mail into monit-dev-request@nongnu.org ?

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