No logout in Monit UI

Issue #295 closed
Harivardhan Pyaram created an issue

It would be nice to have an inactivity timer or log out option in the Monit UI. Currently, Monit requests authentication and then saves some kind of cookie which basically means there is no way of logging out except if we close the browser and clear the cache.

Comments (4)

  1. Tildeslash repo owner


    monit authentication uses "BasicAuthentication", which sends the credentials with every request - there is no session cookie on the server side, the credentials are managed and send by the browser and it remembers the successful authentication until you restart it.

    The BasicAuthentication doesn't support native logout, but we'll try to investigate some options.

  2. Tildeslash repo owner

    We have investigated some workarounds and none of them provides real logout for BasicAuthentication. As mentioned, the BasicAuthentication doesn't support logout by design, it is necessary to close the browser to logout.

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