- edited description
Monitoring failure in linux daemon update
There was a security update to sshd, the binary is deleted and recreated during the package update. Monit sent this in the email: permission test failed for /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server -- current permission is 0000
monit monitor sshd
didn't help, the only solution is service monit restart
What could I do to make monit handle such an update by itself?
Comments (21)
reporter -
reporter - edited description
repo owner which monit version it is? (monit -V)
can you send a monit log to support@tildeslash.com?
reporter version 5.10
reporter Start looking at
[CET Jan 15 06:39:34] debug : 'sshd_bin' file exists
repo owner Please can you post the configuration of the sftp_bin service? Which action do you use if the checksum failed?
It seems that the monitoring was disabled after the checksum failure (most probably by unmonitor or stop action), which resets the file informations, so all tests after the one which disabled the monitoring will work with zero values ... we'll fix.
reporter check process sshd with pidfile /var/run/sshd.pid group system group sshd start program = "/etc/init.d/ssh start" stop program = "/etc/init.d/ssh stop" if failed host localhost port 22 with proto ssh then restart if 5 restarts with 5 cycles then timeout depend on sshd_bin depend on sftp_bin depend on sshd_rc depend on sshd_rsa_key depend on sshd_dsa_key check file sshd_bin with path /usr/sbin/sshd group sshd include /etc/monit/templates/rootbin check file sftp_bin with path /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server group sshd include /etc/monit/templates/rootbin check file sshd_rsa_key with path /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key group sshd include /etc/monit/templates/rootstrict check file sshd_dsa_key with path /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key group sshd include /etc/monit/templates/rootstrict check file sshd_rc with path /etc/ssh/sshd_config group sshd include /etc/monit/templates/rootrc
reporter I suspect monit holds on to the old - deleted - inode on the filesystem.
repo owner Please can you post content of /etc/monit/templates/rootbin? (that file most probably contains the checksum test and action on failure.
The problem is not related to old binary's inode, it is really internal stuff (reset of service data after unmonitor/stop action class) - we have reproduced the problem with unmonitor action, just need to be sure which action you use so we can test the same.
reporter if failed checksum then unmonitor if failed permission 755 then unmonitor if failed uid root then unmonitor if failed gid root then unmonitor
repo owner thanks for data, working on fix
reporter Thank you for your work.
repo owner - changed status to resolved
Fix Issue
#315: If some file, filesystem, directory or fifo test triggered unmonitor, stop or restart, the tests which followed the one which performed that action may fail as the collected data were reset to zero during unmonitor/stop/restart action. The status also showed wrong values for uid, gid, permission and timestamp during that cycle.→ <<cset fb5f579000f6>>
reporter Thank you! I've just packaged monit-5.16.deb for testing.
reporter @tildeslash OK, It works now. Is there a command to issue after a service update when the checksum changes? The only way I know of is restarting monit.
repo owner You can use "if changed checksum", instead of "if failed checksum":
if changed checksum then alert
It will notify you whenever the checksum changed, no need for monit reload.
reporter OK. I don't want it to automatically accept changed checksums.
Is there a way to manually accept changed checksums?
repo owner If you use the "if failed checksum", the value is initialised on Monit start/reload only - currently the only way is to reload monit.
reporter Thank you! It is very nice of you that you tell it.
reporter Please consider a solution for package upgrades. Thanks again.
reporter My solution is to stop monit during packages upgrades.
cat > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/05monit <<"EOF" DPkg::Pre-Invoke { "[ -x /usr/bin/monit ] && /etc/init.d/monit stop" }; DPkg::Post-Invoke { "[ -x /usr/bin/monit ] && /etc/init.d/monit start" }; EOF
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