- changed status to resolved
CHECK PROGRAM timeout parsing issue when run as another user
Issue #336
There appears to be an issue when parsing the "with timeout" value when using "CHECK PROGRAM" along with "as uid" .
Here are some test cases to reproduce the issue:
Case 1) Timeout value correctly set (1000)
check program timeout
with path "sleep 1"
with timeout 1000 seconds
every "* * * * *"
if status != 0 then alert
Case 2) Timeout value incorrectly set (random value)
check program timeoutError
with path "sleep 1"
as uid "user"
with timeout 1000 seconds
every "* * * * *"
if status != 0 then alert
I think the issue lies here: https://bitbucket.org/tildeslash/monit/src/f76ef784b79ff88ede3ca1dc220318347a3db92f/src/p.y?at=master&fileviewer=file-view-default#p.y-1210
Probably a copy/paste and forgot to increment it to account for the additional params.
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Fixed: Issue
#336. Thanks to ekulyk→ <<cset c028880bcc66>>