Get the last exit status of a test(s)

Issue #361 closed
Dominic Harkness created an issue

Create a command line argument that would return a binary(boolean) value that is true if all tests the user requested passed in the last cycle.

“monit status/summary” gives you a text representation of this data, but a script would have to parse the text output to determine if all of the tests passed. “monit validate” gives you its exit status, but you have to actually run monit. We feel it would be useful to ask monit if some test(s) passed from within a script and get a true or false response without running validate().

ex. monit -g testGroup getlaststatus If all tests passed, return 0. If any test failed, return 1.

Comments (3)

  1. Tildeslash repo owner

    Please check if the new monit report CLI command could be used. This command is meant to make it easier to query Monit from a script and parse the result.

  2. Dominic Harkness Account Deactivated reporter

    Thanks! That looks like something we could use. What is the timeline for the next release?

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