Please improve meaning in emails

Issue #373 closed
Don created an issue

Normally output of emails is pretty meaningful, but for some sensors it isn't.

1. Normally meaningful text:

For sensor "if cpu(wait) > 30% then alert" example DESCRIPTION is "cpu wait usage of 37.8% matches resource limit [cpu wait usage>30.0%]". Note, that I wanted to monitor that cpu wait is MORE than 30% and Monit is telling me exactly this.

2. Confusing text 1:

For sensor "if loadavg(15) > 8 then alert" example problem DESCRIPTION is "loadavg(15min) of 8.2 matches resource limit [loadavg(15min)<8.0]".

Why is suddenly there is LESS sign ('<') instead of MORE ('>')?

This is wrong and not systematical. If I subscribe to alerts person who is not used to such errors in text, she would be confused.

For this alert resolution DESCRIPTION was "loadavg(15min) check succeeded [current loadavg(15min)=8.1]."

Why is value "8.1" reported as "succeeded", i.e. it's LESS than 8 in sensor set as "if loadavg(15) > 8 then alert"? 8.1 is clearly MORE than 8. Confusing. New person my conclude that there is still problem, some "check succeeded" in detecting that load average is more than 8, because value 8.1 is more than 8.

3. Confusing text 2:

For sensor "if space free < 50 GB then alert" - problem DESCRIPTION is "space free 49.9 GB matches resource limit [space free>50.0 GB]." And resolution DESCRIPTION is "space free test succeeded [current space free=5.3%]."

Why is suddenly there is percentage mentioned in resolution description? 5.3% of 1.2T (or better, unknown size) disk - how much is that? This is not informative at all. When there is tens of hosts monitored, I don't have time to calculate free size in head.

Why is free space alert have MORE sign instead of LESS? Alert was set for LESS than 50 GB. But message is telling it's MORE than 50 GB. This is confusing. And it's more confusing, because, disk space alerts is useful not just for admin (who could adapt to this idiosyncrasy), but also to customer who may be confused by this contradictory message (and ignore alert, not freeing space).

Comments (4)

  1. Don reporter

    Also, It would be useful to replace 'check succeeded' with 'recovery'. Imagine we read this message for a first time in life - how is 'check succeeded' different in meaning with 'matches resource limit'? Isn't 'succeeded' could be interpreted same as 'matches', and 'resource limit' as 'check'? These terms are not enough distinctive, and both are ambiguous.

    On other hand, 'recovery' clearly signifies that problem is over.

    How to re-state more clearly 'matches resource limit' is a bit harder, though. 'Matches' could be interpreted as well as 'below resource limit', and 'above resource limit', and even 'exactly same as resource limit'.

    Please consider using 'exceeds resource limit' when check is set for '>'.

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