Feature request: add support for monitoring Docker containers?

Issue #395 new
Fake Tastic created an issue

It looks like doing this "in reverse" is already being investigated, i.e. using Monit as an init replacement in containers, but I was looking to do the reverse: I want to monitor containers from the host with Monit. That makes more sense to me.

It would be nice to be able to do something like this:

check container <monit name> with name <container name | ID>

Monit could check the container state from the Docker daemon and alert / restart / etc as necessary.

This should be very straightforward as Docker has a HTTP/JSON remote API that you can use for everything: querying container state/stats and starting/stopping/restarting them.

API documentation: Docker docs

I already managed to "hack" something like this by using "check host" (because you generally always run network services in containers) as in:

check host mycontainer with address
    start program = "docker start ..."
    stop program = "docker stop ..."
    restart program = "docker restart ..."

    if failed port 1234 protocol http then restart

but that's not the most elegant solution.

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