Monit should also monitor stopped processes

Issue #408 duplicate
Former user created an issue

Hello, is there any plan or possibility to manage the following use case within Monit?

We have some processes on a passive cluster node which should be down under any circumstances. So when we stop such processes via Monit these processes are under the Monit state "not monitored". Now when such a process is started accidentally, outside from Monit e.g Nagios check reload, Monit doesn't care because it's "unmonitored".

Is there any chance that Monit check that a process is started and take care to stop it, when such a process was started outside from Monit?

At the moment we have a 1 minute cron job which checks for processes to kill if cluster is passive (has no cluster IP).

Is there any option to spend money for such a feature in Monit?

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