monit 5.18 won't start with config from monit-5.17.1 (The process status engine was disabled.)

Issue #411 duplicate
Ulrich Windl created an issue

(also reported via EMail on Wednesday - July 6, 2016 10:51 AM) I just upgraded monit-5.17.1 to monit 5-18, and I have the problem that monit won't start. Unfortunately it also doesn't log anything (syslog or logfile). However "monit -t" reports a lot of errors like this: /etc/monitrc:170: Cannot activate service check. The process status engine was disabled. On certain systems you must run monit as root to utilize this feature) 'if'

(actually all the "if"s in the example below don't work any more) check system if loadavg (1min) > 8 then exec "/var/lib/monit/" if loadavg (5min) > 4 then exec "/var/lib/monit/" if loadavg (15min) > 2 then exec "/var/lib/monit/" [...]

That type of incompatibility is not documented in the CHANGES

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