M/Monit should allow a method to 'gracefully' shutdown hosts

Issue #415 closed
Renny Koshy created an issue

I'm using M/Monit in a dynamic environment where we scale up or scale down depending on traffic.

When we scale up and then down, M/Monit starts alerting about the missing servers, even though we have done it on purpose.

There needs to be a graceful way to "ignore" certain servers, or set them as "Dynamic" so that M/Monit does not complain when they go away, and instead, simply removes them from monitoring.

Maybe there needs to be some coordination between M/Monit and our systems prior to shutdown of each of these hosts.

This is critical in cloud environments.

Comments (3)

  1. Tildeslash repo owner

    You just need to stop monit gracefully on the host which is to be stopped - monit then sends a "stop" event which switches the state to "stopped". If you just kill the host, M/Monit will send a heartbeat event.

    If you need to cleanup hosts from M/Monit which are no longer used, you can use the HTTP-API to purge inactive entries ... see the "delete" method: https://mmonit.com/documentation/http-api/Methods/Admin_Hosts

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