Upgraded from monit 5.17.1 to 5.18 and the access time of pid is not refresh every 30 sec.

Issue #425 resolved
Former user created an issue

With version 5.17.1 of monit, I put the pid file in /tmp/monit/ and the access time was updated every 30 sec. After I upgraded to version 5.18 the access time never change. Sadly my files were cleanup by tmpwatch... Did not change any configuration, just quit the old version and reload the new one.

OS: Linux 2.6.18-408.el5 x86_64

config sample :

check process xxx with pidfile /tmp/monit/xxx.pid
    group abc-apps
    start program = "/app/TST/xxx/current/start.sh"
    stop program  = "/app/TST/xxx/current/stop.sh"


Comments (3)

  1. Tildeslash repo owner

    Monit 5.18 caches the PID and on next check just tests if the process is running, without need to read the PID from the file.

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