Action threshholds

Issue #48 invalid
Alexander Litvak created an issue

I think some one asked about it before but can this be done when monitoring port?

if failed host xxxx port 5060 type udp protocol sip with target test@xxxx and maxforward 1 with timeout 1 seconds then alert else if retry 3 then restart or

if failed host xxxx port 5060 type udp protocol sip with target test@xxxx and maxforward 1 with timeout 1 seconds then alert if 3 alerts for 3 cycles then restart

Sorry for a crude config but what I am sking for is the ability to conditionally send alert or do restart depending on the threshholds (either fail of number of retries or number of alerts per numberr of cycles, etc ... )

Comments (7)

  1. Tildeslash repo owner

    Please use the mailing list for question and lets keep the issue tracker reserved for issues :-)

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