Fail counter does not reset once reached

Issue #502 resolved
Derek Wuelfrath created an issue

Sidenote: Somewhat seems related to #64

Have the following configuration to alert if a check fails for three (3) times in three (3) cycles.

if failed host port 18120 type udp protocol radius secret testing123 for 3 times within 3 cycles then alert

It is working just fine but as soon as it is being triggered, the "for 3 times within 3 cycles" condition is no longer respected and it is alerting every failed connection.

Monit check is setup to run every 2 seconds

set daemon 2

Let me know if you need me to provide additional logs, that would be my pleasure.


Comments (4)

  1. Derek Wuelfrath reporter

    Seems like the counter is being reset but the logs are behaving like the constraint is not there.

    Was mislead by looking at the logs. Does not seems to be a configuration issue but there is still a "wrong" behavior with the logs.

  2. Tildeslash repo owner

    The log message is intentional, so it is possible to see log entry each cycle the error persists.

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