To avoid succeeded alert in monit

Issue #518 on hold
mohit.deokar created an issue


I using monit 5.14 and 5.4 version for my linux system. in our configuration we are able to avoid instance, pid and ppid as i do not required it.

i want to avoid succeeded alerts also for Resource limit and Does not exist of a process when it becomes normal.

using common mail-id as stated below - set alert but not on { instance, pid, ppid }

end objective - do not want alerts for succeeded of any service.

kindly provide your suggestions.

Regards, Mohit.D

Comments (6)

  1. Tildeslash repo owner


    the filtering of success/failure states in monit is currently not possible - if you use M/Monit, you can delegate the alert delivery to it (it supports success/failure filtering).

    We may add success/failure filtering to monit in the future.

  2. mohit.deokar Account Deactivated reporter

    can we use 2 mail address for filter process. one for success alert and other for failure mode.

  3. Oswaldo Caballero

    Implementing this could be really helpful. We have a case where we are looking for error patterns in a log; when they are found, an alert is sent so operations can take action correcting the issue. Problem is, one cycle later the "succeeded" message is sent as the new check did not find any new error pattern and recipients can be tricked thinking problem was resolved. Our workaround for now is a custom message in the "succeeded" email reminding of the necessity of making sure the error was taken care of. Any other way to do this without this feature request?

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