Have the possibility to set custom alert descriptions for a check

Issue #567 new
Marcel Baur created an issue

We have checks of complex systems in place where remedies are not so trivial. It would be great to add a wiki link or a custom description text to alert messages.

e.g. add a $CUSTOMTEXT to mail-format

set mail-format {
from: monit
Service: $SERVICE
Instructions: $CUSTOMTEXT

which can be set as optional alert argument:

check process studio-runner
   matching "studio-runner"
   if not exist then alert "Please read instructions in http://wiki to power-cycle machines X and Y in rack 7"

Comments (1)

  1. Austin Butler

    This is already possible, although I remember it took me a lot of Googling to find out how.

        if match "terminated" then alert
        ALERT {{ alert_email }} with MAIL-FORMAT {
            subject: Process terminated
            message: Please see http://wiki
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