-I (init/foreground) broken in 5.8.1

Issue #58 resolved
Karl Palsson created an issue

This was working in 5.6, but appears broken in 5.8.1. (I haven't checked releases in between)

root@eg-134867:/etc/init.d# monit -I
Starting monit daemon with http interface at [*:2812]
Monit start delay set -- pause for 30s
--- note return to shell...
root@eg-134867:/etc/init.d# monit -V
This is Monit version 5.8.1
Copyright (C) 2001-2014 Tildeslash Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
--- even after 30s delay, monit not running at all.
root@eg-134867:/etc/init.d# monit summary
Status not available -- the monit daemon is not running

In 5.6, the monit -I call stays in the foreground, and after 30s, monit summary connects happily, "ps" shows the process running as expected.

Comments (4)

  1. Tildeslash repo owner

    Cannot replicate the problem using:

    set daemon 5 with start delay 30

    Monit starts, waits 30s and then resumes normal operation:

    $ ./monit -vI
    Starting Monit 5.9 daemon with http interface at [*:2812]
    Monit start delay set -- pause for 30s
    Starting Monit HTTP server at [*:2812]
    Monit HTTP server started
    'foobar' Monit started

    Monit shouldn't return when "-I" option is used - if it does, it stopped. Nothing has changed with the -I implementation for long time => there will be probably different root cause.

    Please try to run it with "-v" option for verbose mode and provide its output + Monit configuration file.

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