multiuser access - for shared hosting servers

Issue #581 new
Former user created an issue

Currently only admin/root can see service status and manage all monitors. On a shared server it would be useful to allow each system user to view (and manage - depending on prvilege set) their own processes.

For example under 'check process ...' we could allow user 'user1' to view and manage the monitor (we could also remove management functions [start stop restart diable enable]): managers user1 [readonly]

How would monit know what user is accessing it? In monitrc allow user1:secret1 useronly will make user1 to only see/manage checks that have been explicitly assigned to him while allow user1:secret1 works as before i.e. makes user1 see everything.

This way monit would become more useful on multiuser systems where each user can run its own processes for example a JVM, node.js, etc.

The key point is each user can see/manage only checks/monitors assigned to him.

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