dbus session bus

Issue #6 resolved
Bernhard Schuster created an issue

The dbus session bus is not availiable to binaries executed from monit. This either leads to a session bus per monit unit (which is not desired) or a no bus at all if the case below kicks in.

This is especially bad if used with GDBus and an old'ish version of libdbus1 (where the first needs dbus-launch but the later does not supply it yet).

Note: I am glued to a bare sh (no bash, no csh)

Comments (12)

  1. Bernhard Schuster reporter
    check process foo with pidfile /var/run/foo.pid
       start program = "/bin/foo -arg1 -arg2 -arg3 1>&2 2> /tmp/foo.log"
       stop  program = "/bin/kill `cat `/var/run/foo.pid`"

    where foo was my binary using GDBus functions.

    The root cause is the lack of the env variable DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS= in the spawned shell and thus GDBus attempts to start dbus-launch in order to create a new session bus - which fails because of an old dbus which simply does not provide dbus-launch.

    I also tried to wrap into a sysv start/stop script, a usual shell script, but no change.

  2. Tildeslash repo owner

    No feedback, but assuming this works. And no, this is not really a bug. Axing the environment had a security rationale behind it and there are ways to work around this. However looking at it pro/con, we decided to keep the environment in sub-processes

  3. Bernhard Schuster reporter

    Did not have the time to test/deploy it as of now.

    And imho this is a bug, it prevents usablility without adding significantly to security - I'd be happy to be proven wrong with a exploit where the invader does not already have root rights (exclude buffer overflows, that is the applications duty to take care of to not read beyond bounds).

    I'll report back as soon as I tested this.

    Thanks a lot for taking care of this issue that quickly!

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