RFE: Please add option to redact / obfuscate alert emails from httpd

Issue #627 closed
Xenith Orb created an issue

My use case is of using Monit as a read-only status page of sorts, but since it's entirely public, I don't necessarily like that (after discovering the "running" link) my alert emails are displayed in plain view - to include in this case my phone number too because I'm using an email-to-sms gateway.

I think it would be really nice if I could remove all emails from the HTTPd interface, or perhaps set a per-address hide option on the alert addresses themselves

Proposal ideas:


 set httpd
     port 2812
     use address
     allow username:password
     hide email


set alert admin@bar hide 

This should either produce an obfuscated email (which I think is minimally acceptable) like ad***@b**, or simply replace it with "Hidden" or some other way to indicate to the user that it's hidden but still setup.

Comments (1)

  1. Tildeslash repo owner

    We're sorry, it is kind of corner case - opening monit to public reveals a lot more informations then just email address and it's not practical to hide it selectively with configure options.

    To hide just the email address you may probably deliver the mail to local user on the machine where Monit is running and set an alias to the real address, which you want.

    For example: make monit send alert to "root" user (doesn't reveal a real recipient):

    set alert "root@localhost"

    and add the alias for "root" to /etc/aliases to forward all mail to your real address (not visible via monit GUI):

    root: ad***@b***

    (use "newaliases" CLI to update the aliases db)

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