set mmonit password does not allow many special characters

Issue #628 resolved
Sultanahamer created an issue

The line in monit config that sets mmonit user and password is not allowing us to use special characters. I have tried with single quote and double but I see unauthorised in the log file. I try with simple passwords without quotes and everything is fine. Please let us know on what is the character set that we can use and other type of passwords that we can use either md5 hash etc. I have looked at documentation but could not find much about this. On M/Monit UI, I am able to login with complex(multiple special character) passwords.

Comments (3)

  1. Tildeslash repo owner

    the password needs to be URL-encoded, if it contains URL-significant characters like ":", "?", "@"

  2. Sultanahamer reporter

    This solves the issue. Could you please add this as an example to the documentation if it is not present. That would help everyone.

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