Wrong monit cpu usage value with processes spawning too many threads

Issue #643 closed
Pavel Stratil created an issue

Hi, I started to watch lxd with monit, to because for some reason I got a 105+ % cpu utilization (top) on the lxd process. Monit interpreted this as a ~ 13% load. After noticing https://bitbucket.org/tildeslash/monit/issues/230, I suppose the reason for this discrepancy would be the fact that somehow lxd managed to run with 87 threads on a 4 core / 8 threads cpu (after monit restarts the lxd service, the thread count drops to 14) and this increased threadcount resulted into bogus cpuload numbers.

I'm not sure why/how lxd does this, I only started to investigate the issue, nontheless monit still gives me skewed numbers.

Using Ubuntu-packaged version: 1:5.16-2

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