Website Monitoring - Catching Loop Redirects

Issue #648 new
Antonio Intagliata created an issue

Hello, will Monit provide an option to catch loop redirects during a website page monitoring?

The configuration should have a maximum number of page redirects, after which the request is considered failed.

Thank you very much!

Comments (2)

  1. Tildeslash repo owner


    the http protocol test currently doesn't follow redirects, it could be interesting feature to add.

    Best regards, The Monit team

  2. Henning Bopp

    I used the following "program" to monitor this for a single address:

    curl --max-redirs 10 -Lvs -o/dev/null 2>&1 | grep '^< Location:' | wc -l


    • --max-redirs 10: Follow up to 10 redirects
    • -L: Follow redirects
    • -v: Verbose output (no output is generated otherwise)
    • -s: silent: Do not print page bodies
    • -o /dev/null: drop any output
    • 2>&1: redirect stderr to stdout to be available with grep
    • grep '^< Location:': Finds any line starting with < Location:
    • wc -l: count lines

    By using

    check program RedirectsOnExampleCom with path "/usr/bin/bash -c 'exit $(curl --max-redirs 10 -Lvs -o/dev/null 2>&1 | grep '^< Location:' | wc -l)'"

    It will exit normally (exit code 0) if no redirect happened. It will walk up to 10 redirects, so one might to enhance like

    check program RedirectsOnExampleCom with path "/usr/bin/bash -c 'exit $(curl --max-redirs 10 -Lvs -o/dev/null 2>&1 | grep '^< Location:' | wc -l)'"
        if status > 2 then alert

    So the alert is triggered if there are more than 2 redirects. That might make sence if you are redirected from to and finally to

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