Host header ignored for SSL check

Issue #659 new
Danila Vershinin created an issue

The following fails to check against proper virtual host:

if failed host localhost
  port 443
  protocol https
  with http headers [Host:]
  request "/ping"
  content == "pong"
  timeout 10 seconds
  for 1 cycles then restart

It requests and checks against https://localhost instead of

More on this issue here

Comments (3)

  1. Tildeslash repo owner

    Monit supports SNI for virtual SSL hosts, but takes the "host" value for it, not the HTTP header. The HTTP header is also set automatically, so the configuration can be simplified:

    if failed host
      port 443
      protocol https
      request "/ping"
      content == "pong"
      timeout 10 seconds
      for 1 cycles then restart

    Please can you check if it works for you?

  2. Danila Vershinin reporter

    I understand this and it certainly works. However, in my use case the /ping endpoint is only exposed to localhost. Checking it via suggested config will either require:

    • hosts file entry for to point to (a bit wrong for quite a few reasons)
    • opening the /ping endpoint to external interface (own IP)

    I'd like to avoid those and instead have the Monit request flow through localhost interface. I think it makes sense for the host in with http headers passed in configuration to take priority.

  3. Sergey Budnevitch

    I have similar issue, but for dns load-balanced servers. It is not possible to specify both SNI hostname and what server to check.

    For example resolves to and

    if failed host
      port 443
      protocol https

    will check both ip addresses, but I need to check on both ip addresses individually, and

    if failed host
      port 443
      protocol https

    will not use SNI.

    Current workaround is /etc/hosts, but this is not a solution.

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