CSRF errors
I installed Monit on a raspberrypi B+ following instuctions ( https://www.domoticz.com/wiki/Monitoring_domoticz).
The website monitor-settings in /etc/monit/monitrc are:
set httpd port 2812 and allow admin:monit # require user 'admin' with password 'monit'
and monitor-setting for Domoticz-pid are:
check Domoticz
check process domoticz with pidfile /var/run/domoticz.pid start program = "/etc/init.d/domoticz.sh start" stop program = "/etc/init.d/domoticz.sh stop" if failed url¶m=getversion and content = '"status" : "OK"' for 2 cycles then restart
I can enter the monit-website . but if i want to start, stop or restart the service an error occur:. FORBIDDEN Invalid CSRF Token. Logfile output: [CEST Apr 4 14:03:12] error : HttpRequest: access denied -- client []: no CSRF token in cookie [CEST Apr 4 14:03:12] error : HttpRequest: error -- client []: HTTP/1.0 403 Invalid CSRF Token.
Cookies are enabled.
Can you help to explain the problem and how to solve?
thanks Paul
Comments (8)
repo owner -
repo owner - changed status to duplicate
Duplicate of
#495. -
Hi, I'm on raspberry pi 3b+ too, and if I do apt-get update and then apt-get install monit I'm still getting the same version 5.20.
How can I update?
EDIT: If I clear all my cookies for my domain it works, but I still would like to upgrade to the latest version!
repo owner @thunder2k the monit package is not maintained by us.
You can either use monit package from newer distribution or use the official pre-compiled binary: https://mmonit.com/monit/dist/binary/5.25.2/monit-5.25.2-linux-arm.tar.gz
@tildeslash thanks for that. There are no installation instructions in that binary package.
Should I just replace the executable, conf and man files?
repo owner @thunder2k it is sufficient to replace just the monit executable. Note that some packages use non-standard configuration file path, the default is /etc/monitrc ... if your package uses for example /etc/monit/monit.conf, just create a link to /etc/monitrc, so both the original package and pre-build binary can find the configuration.
@tildeslash I've merged the monitrc file with my old one so I kept my config with new comments in case I want to enable them in the future. My package was pointing to /etc/monit/monitrc file so no need to link it. I've replaced the executable in /usr/bin and relaunched now. Everything seems to work fine, thanks!! One question, why the new Read/Write columns always display 0 B/s? Are they always displayed even if no test is setup on them?
repo owner @thunder2k yes, the read/write statistics is displayed for process and filesystems, even if 0.
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Please upgrade monit, the problem was fixed in monit 5.21.0: