web interface failed password logging for sshguard/fail2ban

Issue #79 closed
three sixes created an issue

monit doesn't pass failed log in attempts of the web interface to syslog-ng so fail2ban/sshguard can not detect when passwords are streamed to monits web interface, or source to ban/block.


monits web interface is vulnerable to brute force attacks. usernames and passwords must be guessed so its not that big of a deal but kicking people out that are probing a bit too much, or outright streaming passwords would be excellent.

"File/etc/monitrc allow admin:monit" if that's not a gentoo specific thing, monit should ship secure by default.

thanks a zillion... -threesixes

Comments (3)

  1. Tildeslash repo owner

    Monit logs error if wrong user or password is provided:

    1.) Invalid user:

    Warning: Client '<IP>' supplied unknown user '<USER>' accessing monit httpd

    2.) wrong password:

    Warning: Client '<IP>' supplied wrong password for user '<USER>' accessing monit httpd

    Please check that you have Monit log enabled ("set logfile ..." statement) and that you're not using some old Monit version.

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