Unable to build rpm using Red Hat 6.5

Issue #8 resolved
Leif Gustafson created an issue

In the past I have always built monit using rpmbuild -tb monit-<version>.tar.gz. However, as of monit 5.7 I am unable to do so. I get the following error:

error: line 179: second %prep

However, I don't see any problems with the spec file itself. It appears that this may be an issue with rpm when multiple spec files are present in the tarball. See the following link:


Comments (8)

  1. Leif Gustafson reporter

    If I delete one of the spec files from the tarball (in my case the monit.spec in monit-5.7/ rather than deeply embedded one) it builds the rpm as normal so this indeed seems to be the cause of the problem. Removing one of them in the packaged tarball should solve the problem.

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